Available online on www.ijppr.com International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research 2012-13; 4(4); 213-218
ISSN: 0975-4873 Author for correspondence: E-mail: rohit.gundamaraju@gmail.com
Research Article Evaluation of Anti-Obesity Activity of Lantana camara Var Linn. by Progesterone Induced Obesity on Albino Mice *1Rohit Gundamaraju, 1Sartaj Banu Mulaplli, 2Dr.Ramesh.C. Department of Pharmacolgy , Malla Reddy Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences , Maisammagud , Dhulapally(Post via Hakimpet) ,Secunderabad (500014), AP,India. 2 GSN Pharmaceuticals Pvt .Ltd., Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad (500072),AP,India. ABSTRACT The anti-obesic activity of Lantana camara was studied on progesterone induced models of hyperlipedemia in mice. Hyperlipidemia condition established by progesterone, which changed various parameters in the body . An increase in food consumption and water consumption usually accompanies the body weight gain, which is the characteristic nature of progesterone stimulation. Increased consumption of food and water generally leads to elevated parameters like LDL,VLDL, serum cholesterol etc. Accumulation of fat in areas like inguinal, epididymal , neck etc. was observed . Ethanobotanical knowledge of medicinal plants is one of the most prominent source of new drugs and has shown potential results for treatment of obesity. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of Lantana camara revealed the presence of phyto constituents such as steroids , flavinoids , alkaloids, etc. Keywords: Adipocyte, progesterone, Obesity INTRODUCTION Obesity is a chronic metabolic disorder caused by an imbalance between energy intake and expenditure. Over weight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. Obesity is one of the greatest health threats of this century. Chronic obesity is a problem of epidemic proportions, and is rapidly increasing in prevalence in both the West and the Asia-Pacific region¹ ˉ² which has an important impact on life style-related diseases such as coronary heart disease, dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance, diabetics, hypertension and some cancers³ . Several factors, including lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyles and the consumption of energy rich diets are contributory to the etiology of obesity⁴. Despite the urgent need for safe and efficient therapeutics and the potential size of the market for anti-obesity drugs, the current status for the development of such drugs are still unsatisfactory ⁵. Some edible medicinal plants have been used as dietary supplements for body-weight management and control in many countries⁶ˉ⁷ . In the literature survey, it was found that flavonoids, sterols, tannins, and alkaloids have shown promising effects to tackle obesity by various mechanisms,
Lantana camara whole plant has shown the presence of sterols, triterpenoids, flavonoids alkaloids and saponins, and others in the extracts. Moreover, traditional Indian medicine also claims for its antiobesity activity. With this back ground, this plant has been selected for its phytochemical analysis and screening of its antiobesity activity against progesterone-induced obesity in female mice. The neuroactive steroid, progesterone is a female reproductive hormone. Its level increases during the later phase of the menstrual cycle and controls the secretory phase of the endometrium. Substantial evidence links progesterone excess in pathophysiology of eating and affective disorders. Some reports suggest the use of progesterone-containing preparations as contraceptive or for the hormone replacement therapy to cause sufficient weight gain by causing hyperphagia and increased fat deposition in the body⁸. Reports also suggest that progesterone can produce these effects by inducing myriad of neurotransmitter changes of which alterations of serotonin level can have important. With this setting neuroactive to induce obesity in female mice has been chosen. MATERIALS AND METHODS Collection of plant material: Lantana camara whole plants materials were collected from Tirupathi . The plant authentication was done by Department of Botany,Sri Venkateshwara University , Tirupathi dist. Chittoor , Andhra Pradesh, and the voucher was preserved.
Preparation of the extract: Leaves of Lantana camara were shade dried at room temperature for 2-3 days. These dried leaves were then powdered in a mixture. The extraction process was done in a Soxhlet extractor. The fine powder (100 grams ) was suspended in (200 ml) of methanol for 24 hours at room temperature. After extraction , the solvent was evaporated by rotary evaporator and the residue was dried.⁹ Experimental animals: Female albino mice (20–25 g) were used in this study. Mice bred at GSN Pharmaceuticals PVT.LTD animal house were used in this experiment. Animals were housed in a standard controlled animal care facility in cages (5 mice/cage). Rohit Gundamaraju et,al./ Evaluation of Anti-Obesity… IJPPR, Vol-4, Issue 4, December 2012- February 2013, 213-218
Page214 The following table consists of the data derived from the results of the histopathology of the various slides consisting of the organs(liver) sections of various groups. The table consists of the inducing agent, size of the organs, changes observed, and conclusions drawn. |
S.NO |
1. |
INDUCING AGENT | Slight increase | normal | Mild fatty change | The liver is prone to fatty diet,as there is increase in the fat cells. |
2. |
INDUCING AGENT + TREATED DRUG EXTRACT | normal | normal | Positive necrosis,focal necrosis of hepatocytes,swelling found | Extract found to show effect on liver.fatty change is abscent ,drug extract found to show its action on the fatty liver. |
3. |
INDUCING AGENT + TREATED DRUG EXTRACT(DOUBLE DOSE) | normal | normal | Focal necrosis,swelling of hepatocytes with change in the cells and degenation in some places, | Extract found to show its action on liver,fatty change is abscent,drug extract found to show its action on the fatty liver |
4. |
INDUCING AGENT + STANDARD DRUG | normal | normal | Mild necrosis found. Less extent when compared to 2nd and 3rd conditions. | Action of the drug is mild when compared to 2nd and 3rd conditions,drug having mild propertieshttp://www.ijppr.com/PDF%20all%20edtions%20IJPPR/Vol4/Issue4/IJPPR,Vol4,Issue4,Article9.pdf |