Friday, June 14, 2013

Innovation at fingertips ! (Astonishing ability of mammals to regenerate by stemcells)

Mammals acquire remarkable ability to regenerate a lost fingertip, including the nail, nerves and even bone. In humans, an amputated fingertip can sprout aback in as little as two months, a abnormality that has remained ailing accepted until now. Researchers afford ablaze on this attenuate adorning ability in mammals, application genetically engineered mice to certificate for the aboriginal time the biochemical alternation of contest that unfolds in the deathwatch of a fingertip amputation. The allegation authority affiance for amputees who may one day be able to account from therapies that advice the physique change absent limbs.

Now, Dr. Ito and team have discovered an important clue in this process: a population of self-renewing stem cells in the nail matrix, a part of the nail bed rich in nerve endings and blood vessels that stimulate nail growth. Moreover, the scientists have found that these stem cells depend upon a family of proteins known as the “Wnt signaling network”—the same proteins that play a crucial role in hair and tissue regeneration—to regenerate bone in the fingertip.

Researchers have found an astonishing fact i.e.. they concluded that they could manipulate the Wnt pathway to stimulate the bone and tissue. These findings suggest that Wnt signaling is essential for fingertip regeneration, and point the way to therapies that could help people regenerate lost limbs. The teams’ next footfall is to zoom in on the atomic mechanisms that ascendancy how the Wnt signaling alleyway interacts with the attach axis beef to access cartilage and attach growth.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Pharma Innovation ! Inculcating the Implant (A novel Bioengineered Vein)

Till date, bio engineering achieved many novel aspects. But now, it is the height of innovation. University Researchers have come to such a state of innovation that, they have discovered a new equipment or implant which is rejection free as it is non biological in nature which is supposed to be the biggest advantage.
A Duke University spinoff has reached a milestone in tissue engineering as it transplanted the first bioengineered blood vessel into the arm of a patient with end-stage kidney disease.
In its first U.S. clinical trial, Humacyte is testing the safety and effectiveness of the blood vessel, which is intended to be an off-the-shelf product that’s derived from human cells but doesn’t have any of the biological properties that cause organ rejection.
People with kidney disease undergo dialysis, which often requires use of a graft to connect an artery to a vein. Current options carry risks of complications, according to Duke, like clotting and infection.
Humacyte creates its vessels by cultivating donated human cells on a tubular scaffold. The resulting vessel is then cleansed of the qualities that might trigger an immune response, leaving a collagen structure that mechanically matches artery and vein it’s being sewn to.