Many people dnt realise that there are astonishing stuff around us. all the time we are after drugs which are arrayed with numerous adverse effects. but i really wonder why arnt' we becoming conscious and realizing that we are sourrounded with these god gifted herbs. people dnt believe.... !!! there are herbs around us for each and every diseases. !! trust me !. i want to dig out and enlighten the thoughts regarding this,,. !!
The following are some of them.:
Goldenseal is known for its antibiotic properties.
- Chamomile relieves stomach distress, calms nerves, fights infection, speeds healing processes, and prevents ulcers.
- Garlic is a strong natural antibiotic. It helps reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart attacks as it prevents the forming of blood clots. Garlic also contains anti-viral properties.
- Ginseng is used to increase stamina, provides liver protection from harmful substances, and stimulates the immune system.
- Feverfew is used to help prevent migraines.
- Spearmint and Peppermint provide indigestion relief.
- Comfrey aids in new cell growth and helps heal wounds because it contains allantoin.
- Ginger may reduce the risk of heart attack by preventing internal blood clots and is also invaluable for motion sickness.
-Recent research has found that there is aphrodisiac activity in asparagus.
any 1 need any remedies can relay on this blog.
i bet, there are many remedies for many ailments.
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