Monday, October 15, 2012

Zootherapeutics !!! " A new horizon in therapeutics" !!

For ages, we were depending on various natural and synthetic sources for curing diseases. Natural resources are especially nearer to human beings thus exhibiting lesser side effects. Enough research has been done on plant resources and they are widely used for treating various ailments. Although animal sources are traditionally used for producing drugs and remedies like Insulin, Albumin, Proteins, etc. a whole spectrum of these were never tried for a slew of diseases. Of late, more research is being done in this direction, and thus a new word is coined for such route called “Pharmazooticals”. It also defeated the age-old theories like produces of mammals are only to be used in producing drugs or remedies for Humans or other mammals. This expanded the horizon of availability of remedies hitherto unheard of. Typical remedies are drawn from such varied sources as reptiles, amphibians, insects, and even invertebrates. To some up we predicted that doing drug discovery in nature would be made obsolete by laboratory synthesis of various molecules and computer simulations, a field known as combinatorial chemistry, but Mother Nature has a dazzling array of sophisticated, natural products.

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